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Our Fees.

At Doctor Law, two of our primary goals are transparency and predictability.


One of the hardest parts of engaging a lawyer is never knowing what your bill will be or how to budget your money month to month. You can spend thousands of dollars just on emails back and forth with nothing accomplished. And most people don't have the ability to pay a large retainer, meaning you end up having to choose between getting the help you need or paying your other bills.


We never want cost to be a barrier to competent representation. 


We created our fee structure with all this in mind. We post it here so you know exactly what you are getting yourself into and so that you can ask any questions before deciding if we are the right fit for you and your family.






For every month during which we are retained, you will be charged a $450 plus gst file maintenance fee – which would cover all steps taken on your file during that month including all communication, demand letters, emails, phone calls, etc.


In addition, if during a month we take other steps, you will be charged as follows:


If we attend Family Docket Court (King’s Bench Procedural Scheduling Court) you will be charged $500 plus gst.


If there is a Judicial Dispute Resolution or Early Intervention Case Conference (these are mediations with judges), you will be charged an additional $750 plus gst during that month.


If we provide Independent Legal Advice on a previously drafted agreement (drafted by another party/their lawyer) you will be charged $750 plus gst.


If we attend a formal settlement meeting, a morning chambers court appearance where we have to prepare an affidavit or a mediation you will be charged an additional $2200 plus gst. This will consist of an initial charge of $1600 plus gst for drafting and preparation for these processes, with the additional charge of $600 plus gst if the meeting or appearance goes ahead. If the meeting or appearance does not go ahead, the second charge of $600 plus gst will not be charged.


If we draft a Consent Order for you, you will be charged $600 plus gst. This includes drafting, communicating with other party, finalizing and sending for filing.


If we draft a Separation, Cohabitation or Prenuptial agreement for you, you will be charged $1500 plus gst. If the agreement is finalized you will be charged an additional $750 plus gst to cover the independent legal advice and final draft of the agreement. If there are no children that need to be addressed in the agreement, the initial charge will be $1000 plus gst for drafting, with an additional charge of $750 plus gst to finalize the agreement.


If we attend a special chambers application  you will be charged an additional $3200 plus gst. This will consist of an initial charge of $2400 plus gst for drafting and preparation for these appearances, with the additional charge of $800 plus gst if the appearance goes ahead. If the appearance does not go ahead, the second charge of $800 plus gst will not be charged.


If we attend a binding judicial dispute resolution, a hearing in Provincial Court or a 1 day trial, you will be charged an additional $3800 plus gst. This will consist of an initial charge of $2800 plus gst for drafting and preparation for these appearances, with the additional charge of $1000 plus gst if the appearance goes ahead. If the appearance does not go ahead, the second charge of $1000 plus gst will not be charged.


If we attend a trial of 2-4 days you will be charged an additional $5500 plus gst. This will consist of an initial charge of $4000 plus gst for drafting and preparation for the trial, with the additional charge of $1500 plus gst if the trial goes ahead. If the trial does not go ahead, the second charge of $1500 plus gst will not be charged.


If we attend a trial of 5-10 days you will be charged an additional $10,000 plus gst. This will consist of an initial charge of $7500 plus gst for drafting and preparation for the trial, with the additional charge of $2500 plus gst if the trial goes ahead. If the trial does not go ahead, the second charge of $2500 plus gst will not be charged.


If we draft, file and serve a Notice to Disclose Application you will be charged $800 plus gst. This includes collecting, organizing and filing your disclosure, and reviewing the other parties’ disclosure once received. This also includes the cost of following up should the other party fail to provide their disclosure including obtaining a disclosure order if required. If we collect, organize and file your disclosure without otherwise filing a separate Notice to Disclose, you will be charged $400 plus gst.


If we draft and file a Statement of Claim for Divorce (and Division of Matrimonial Property, or other variation) on your file you will be charged $500 plus gst. This includes drafting, filing and service. If your matter remains uncontested and we proceed with drafting and filing your divorce package you will be charged an additional $500 plus gst.


All of those costs include all of our work to prepare for those things, including writing your affidavits and applications, meeting with you, all correspondence - basically it covers any work we do or communication we have. The only additional costs would be if the court charges filing fees for documents.


These fees do not include any filing fees or other services not explicitly listed above.


Additional services may be added to the scope of this retainer at the agreement of both the client and Doctor Law. Any additional services must be confirmed in writing.


The agreed upon flat fee is not held in trust and is non-refundable.


Doctor Law may update pricing on notice provided in writing.


  • Law Doctor
  • Brynn Doctor

©2018 by Doctor Law

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